New Mobile Green Building Clinic: recolabs
We’re happy to be launching a new initiative for our clients, the Mobile Green Building Clinic: recolabs!
Take advantage of this limited opportunity for free support on your green building projects! Whether you need help completing your LEED documentation, or that complicated ASHRAE 90.1 Envelope checklist for Building Permit, or you just need a second set of eyes to review your specs, we’re here to help. Take advantage of our expertise in energy and daylight modelling, Living Building Challenge, LEEDv4, Natural Capital Studies, Passive House, etc.
We come to you! We’ll set up our drop-in clinic in your office for 1.5 hours with two senior staff.
Interested in a free 1.5 hour consultation? Call us at 604.669.4940 x203, or email us at labs [at] recollective [dot] ca.